03.10.2007 Выдержка из статьи Daily Telegraph
Hydrocarbon exports have been fueling Kazakhstan's building frenzy in the last seven years. But according to Kairat Orazbekov, president of the Almaty-based architectural and construction firm Elitstroy, the sector's health has a great deal to do with the seismic expertise accrued in Central Asia in the Soviet era.
"Almaty is situated in an earthquakeprone area, and local construction companies were known for their practical and scientific knowledge, which went missing in the 1990s transition. Ever since, we've been regarding our footing step-by-step," says Mr Orazbekov. Most Kazakh developers have been recycling that knowledge and are now setting new industry trends. "At Elitstroy, we are very proud of our work".
Founded in 1999, Elitstroy is often misconstrued, because of its name, as an elite constractor. In fact, the staff of 100 specialists is in the niche for functional apartment and office buildings. The "elite" aspect has more to do with the application of resistant building materials, environmental standarts and innovative engineering solutions. Since 2005, the company has begun to develop projects for business and high-end residences too. But the foundational idea is still valid: Elitstroy operates its own quarries to source the highest-quality concrete.
At The Pioneer, a residental complex on Almaty's Dostyk Avenue, the firm is building four blocks of small apartment buildings, and Orazbekov's staff is creating a residental community at Green Hills, where functionality meets attractiveprices.
Daily Telegraph
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